Saturday, June 27, 2009

class outing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

little peoples but BIG fun~ :P

5 people cycle, 4 people sweating, 1 people no sweat but bleeding~ LOL! why so?!?!?! cos jessica was learning to cycle and she FALL~ omgggg,,, i damm guilty cos i was at the side luffing all the way LOL! when the bicycle nearly hit her head >< zzzz,,, what am i doing?!?!?!

those who dint come, sry but I claimed ur class outing money already,, and u dissapoint me :( .... no matter wat reasons u giving ~ i sae WTF to u,,, friday was set and informed quite long ago, more than a week, and all said fine, until last few days people start rejecting, LOL ,, what a joke man...

i never thought my class was full of selfish people who think of him/herself,,, i am mean and i admit,, wth la,,, u think of u guys are busy? i have fyp everyday and by right we still have to do it on friday,, but my group ( jess, peywen and me ) tot friday was the day everyone was free, so we gave up our experiment and start calling people up, thinking of ideas/food/place ,,, end up?

one word : FORGET IT....

lalalala,, confirm chop plus guarrantee people will start gossiping after seeing this~

nice? kka made it tgt~

lastly thank you for those who came,, made my day~
