bball at the morning!!!! wahhh realli will pek chek xia >< dunno =" dunno">
i always do ppl hu noe = noe , dunno = dunno cos of one reason ,,, i scare they read my blogs :)
loll !!!
arhhh damm tired ,, then go primers briefing ,,, I THINK PRIMERS !!! LOL compared to BE , BE is twice as fun man !!! LOL
primers is tooooo holy and organised already ,,, i think BE is like wild until i like la!!! maybe i'm wild also!!! ROAR~~~ LOL!!!
pls don let me GL !!! loll but primers helpers also sian ><><>
then go play bball again !!! woooo ~~~ two times todae , ytd also , ytd ytd also !!! woo steam la
blister burst when i played bball damm sad LOL!!!
tiredddd!!! ucler go away!!!!!