Monday, November 30, 2009

before friday...

i noticed something: nowadays i keep blogging only when exam/tests are coming. meaning books are boring me to death~

alot assignment and report to do ahhhhhhh... i think others may already finish their assignment le, but yea to someone who always does his work last minute~ he is still struggling! LOL!

moshi moshi~ guess how much i spend on the month of OCT and NOV? *answer at the last sentence ><><... yea thats all i been doing LOL!!!! OCT 2009- $861.1 NOV 2009- $1071.35 ( nice? for someone who is saving money, this is what you get ! >< )


wooo, started my revision... so far so good,, i am blogging cos i am resting~ lalala

hope can do welll,, hope my baby can do well too... jyjy don keep slack hor ~~

HOHOHO~ holiday faster come!