work work work, don rmb anything~ LOL!
2 x 10 pull up~
went gym after work
soooo tired i tell u can faint 1 looooo~~~ ran 3.3 km!!! woooooo~~~ ran with zigui ~~~ steam laaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,, very long never run leee ><
went out with peywen and huizhen ( PEYWEN I PUT UR NAME FIRST ~ LOLL) later sae i an lian HUIZHEN again~ lalala ,,, LOLL anyway original plan is go malaysia but gt people kena killed at johor, so dint go ,,, so SG instead! lolll ,,, went to beauty world there again ,,, wooo damm nice la that place ~ i'm loving it LOL!!!! saw kenneth ,, eat le jiu go jurong point saw marcus~ LOL!!! his sideburn ><><
watched jackie chan movie and OMG great show i think ,,, 2 hands drop TOO MANY DIED~ LOL!!!! da da sha sha de~ just that the person beside us dunno crying to wat ,, breath until so loud ><
went JI DE CHI to eat dessert after movie~ omg ,, not nice laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ lolll and i have a bad gastric ,, OMG i dunno izzit like girl de "MENs" like tat leh,, but i realli wanna noe what their feeling sometime~ but i don wan to have my gastric pain every month come ><>
BIG DAY><><><>
BIG DAY???? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~~ cos i gt my contact lense!!!! wooo i use 2 hour to learn ><><>
i am not wearing specs~ yea if u are reading my blog,, cos i wanna perm! LOLL!!! wooo~~~ i think will be nice~~~~ :)
time for a change everyone! if u are treating someone bad , treat him/her good! if u are treating someone good, treat him/her BETTER!!!!!
the world will be a better place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( talk like bullshit~)