bloody hell , air con spoilt lo ><>
thanks for the magazine front page , A3 size bodoh! LOL!!!! damm nice leh~~~~
to jess : i did blog about it !!! LOL!!!
last week friday-sunday : primers camp!
woo realli not on form xia ,,, jason si bei on form although he sick LOL!!!! get to noe alot more ppl :) muhahah
was the game master of the camp , which is station ic in other words LOL!!! in BE term is call helper ! LOL!!!! okay still a helper of the camp ~
so the camp i should sae the rating is 6.5/10 ba ~~~~
tired and more tired i should sae~ LOL!!!! cookies game is OMG ! OMA ! OMB! fun fun fun LOL!!!!
this week : last week of studying week , some ppl MST some ppl handing in project those lucky or unlucky one which include me are having their MST after holiday~~~~ so slacking now~~~ lol
but still busy with organizing the bbq for my class ~~ woo~~~ soon soon,,,, yummy food is coming to town~(jiggle bell) LOL!!!
wooo this friday is my BIG DAY !!!! cos is 18th bd ,,, but like no mood to celebrate bd ,, not emoo but just like no mood to celebrate ~~~ planning to go sentosa on Saturday and have dinner at vivo lo ,,, anyone interested? LOL!!!
i need to get my new specs !!!!